2006 . 06 .11 是我從北醫畢業的日子
我家長工陪我去參加完畢業典禮之後,晚上帶我到盛鑫花園餐廳的 ↓ 這個位置吃飯,當晚,他跟我求婚了~
在偶然的一次看到『 Shall We Dance ? 』來跳舞吧,這部電影,Richard Gere飾演一個忙碌的律師,Jennifer Lopez是舞蹈班的老師,Susan Sarandon演Richard Gere的太太,她發現Richard Gere晚歸,以為Richard Gere有外遇,所以她請徵信社去跟蹤Richard Gere,卻發現Richard Gere只是因為生活很無趣,所以去學跳舞。其中有一段Susan Sarandon跟徵信社老闆的對話,我覺得相當有意思,和大家分享 :
『All the promises that we make and we break ,why is it ?do you think that people get married? 』
『passion? 』
『Because we need a witness to our lives.』
『There 's billion people on the planet .I mean , what does anyone life really mean?』
『But in a marriage , you are promising to care about anything, the good things ,the bad things, the terrible things ,the mundane things.......all of it .All the time,everyday.』
『You are saying ,"Your life will not go unnoticed ,because I will notice it" . "Your life will not go unwitnessed , because I will be your witness".』